Palworld - 5 Tips to Establish Your First Palworld Base Successfully

Get yourself set up for success.

Establishing a base is among the initial tasks you'll undertake when embarking on your Palworld journey. As you'll be expanding your base throughout the game, ensuring the correct location and layout can prevent numerous headaches in the long term. Here's what we wish we knew when starting out!

Opt for a Flat, Unobstructed Terrain


After deploying your Palbox, a large blue circle will appear around it, indicating the buildable area for your base. Strive to keep this area free from hills, cliffs, water, or any other obstructions. Ample space is required for the structures and buildings you'll eventually construct, some of which can be quite sizable.

As Pals diligently work around your base, they tend to get stuck, leading to hunger, fatigue, and illness. The clearer your base, the less likely this unfortunate situation will occur!

Ensure Proximity to Harvestable Resources

Having harvestable resources such as wood, ore, Paldium, and stone within your base radius allows Pals working at your base to gather them efficiently. To progress, it's wise to start accumulating resources passively as soon as possible.

Establish a Vixy Ranch


Ranches become available at level 5 in the Palworld Technology tree. Assign any Pal with farming skills to the Ranch, and they'll drop items specific to their species. While Chikipi drops eggs and Mozzarina drops milk, Vixy is the most immediately useful, dropping Pal Spheres and Arrows when assigned to the Ranch—both crucial for catching Pals. You'll find yourself needing hundreds of them soon enough.

Strategically Place Feed Boxes and Chests Near Workstations


Pals proficient in transporting will carry dropped or harvested resources to nearby chests. To optimize efficiency, place chests near workstations that output materials. Ensure every workstation is reasonably close to a Feed Box, allowing Pals to take a break without wandering too far.

Swiftly Upgrade to Stone Structures


As your base becomes a target for raids, groups of Pals or other enemies will attempt to damage your Pals and structures. If your base is constructed from flammable materials, there's a risk of Pals with explosive or fire-based attacks setting it ablaze. Fire spreads rapidly, risking the loss of anything connected to the burning structure.

Unlock the stone structure set at Level 18!

See the Palworld Base Building Progression Guide for a full checklist of tasks you’ll need to complete to level up your base, increase your base’s Pal capacity, and unlock the ability to build a second base! And be sure to check out the Palworld Interactive Map as well!

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